
Barley grass juice powder, the mighty healer!

barley grass juice powder

Barley grass juice powder as one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods in the world has been used for healing and medicinal purposes from ancient times already. The reason behind it has mainly been its extraordinarily high nutritional value as well as detox properties. But why choose namely the barley grass juice powder? What is the difference between barley grass powder and barley grass juice powder and how to use this superfood? Let us discuss in detail!

What is barley grass juice powder (BGJP) and what is the secret behind its healing power?

Barley grass juice powder is one of the best ways to consume this powerful plant. This way the concentration of nutrients is highest and the nutrients are easily absorbed. Since the strong-wall fibers have been removed from the juice powder, it is also easily digestible.

BGJP is a real vitamin bomb containing A-, C-, and B-group vitamins as well as various minerals, such as iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. In addition, BGJP enriches your body with 20 different amino acids, 8 of which are essential amino acids which the body can not produce itself.

But that`s not all!

Besides vitamins and minerals, barley grass juice powder is also a source of several enzymes which support the breakdown of fats, thereby assisting in balancing body weight. High levels of chlorophyll help to inhibit the growth of pathogens by balancing body pH and strengthening your immunity. BGJP has been shown to turn the body more alkaline, thus enhancing the body`s resistance to pathogens. It also improves digestion, alleviates constipation and improves the health of the skin, hair and nails. Additionally, barley grass juice powder is essential for removing toxins and heavy metals from the thyroid gland.

BGJP is held an excellent aid for:

• arthritis;
• migraine;
• headaches;
• asthma;
• fatigue;
• gastrointestinal problems;
• acne;
• cancer
• and diabetes.

BGJPis ideal for supporting the lymphatic system and circulation as well as the vascular system.

How is barley grass juice powder prepared?

BGJP is produced from the young barley plant, the seedling, the moment its nutritional concentration is at its peak and before the plant begins to bear fruit. The young stalks, which hold the bulk of nutrients are processed into cold-pressed juice, which in turn is dried at very low temperatures (below 42 degrees) whilst retaining its nutritional value to the full.

How to use barley grass juice powder?

BGJP can be used mixed into water, smoothie or juice. The powder is, however, best not to be baked or heat-treated in any other ways in order to retain its nutritional value at its peak. It is therefore advised to use the powder mixed into different cold drinks. This way you will reap the maximum benefit from its healing power and you will keep the nutrients intact.

Barley grass juice powder versus barley grass powder – what is the difference?

There is a substantial difference, despite the fact that both originate from the same plant. You should, therefore, pay attention when choosing the powder to make sure you buy the juice powder. So, what`s the difference? When barley grass powder is made by drying and powdering the whole plant, then BGJP is made by first cold pressing the juice from the barley grass and then drying it at low temperatures. In this way, cellulose and other fibers that are difficult to digest are separated first. The process enables to retain all beneficial nutrients and enzymes. The raw juice powder has a characteristic and easy to recognize thick greenish color.

GMO-free, clean and natural

Centralsun`s organic GMO-free BGJP is made by mechanical cold-press method, followed by cooling down the product to approximately 1-2 degrees. No ethylene oxide, additive or any other chemical is used during the process, resulting in a 100% pure, organic labelled product being packaged for sale.

8 steps of barley juice powder production:

1. Step 1, the young seedlings are harvested before seed formation when the plant has the highest content of nutrients. It takes 22 kg of fresh barley grass to make 1 kg of juice powder;
2. In the next step fresh juice is extracted from the plants by cold-press method;
3. Next, the juice is cooled to 1-2 degrees (to preserve the enzymes and diminish microbial activity);
4. Next, filtration is performed, removing the fibers;
5. Then non-thermal removal of microbes is performed by a patented method;
6. Next, the product is dried at very low temperatures (below 42 degrees);
7. Next, the powder is collected;
8. Finally, the juice powder is packaged and stored at a controlled temperature.

Find out more about barley grass juice powder HERE and try it for yourself!